Emergency Management Review Proposal

Valid until: Jun 30, 2024
Proposal ID: recievilst3ffe0ey-1
Version: #1

Proposal Accepted

Accepted on

Proposal Expired

Expired on Jun 30, 2024

strictly private and confidential

Emergency Management Review Proposal

Presented to Roy Stansfield of Stride Property Limited


Dear Roy,

Thank you for the opportunity to present the Stride Property with a proposal for Emergency Management services. 

Following our recent conversation, Stride Property has recognised the importance of evaluating their emergency management program to guarantee the right level of readiness in case of a business disruption.

Ensuring a program that aligns with your specific recovery priorities and dependencies, backed by robust engagement, training, and exercises, will not only satisfy stakeholder expectations but also instil a strong sense of confidence in Stride Property emergency management capabilities.

Fixinc will review the data in Stride Property resilience documentation to establish a maturity level. The review will be measured against the Australian standard, AS 3745 Planning for Emergencies in Facilities, and ISO 22301:2019, Societal security – Business Continuity Management Systems – Requirements. 

By facilitating this program of work, Fixinc aims to improve both the effectiveness of Stride Property Resilience Program and the confidence of key stakeholders that the program meets relevant best-practice standards. 

All activities are performed by highly qualified and experienced consultants.

Fixinc has extensive experience working within the commercial property industry, ensuring a thorough understanding of Stride Property environment. We provide unparalleled expertise to leading organisations and are widely recognised as innovators in the business continuity and crisis management fields.

Roy, at Fixinc, our passion is to provide people with the most effective and reliable resilience solutions through the power of intelligent technology. We guarantee a highly professional outcome that gives Stride Property the assurance of having the necessary measures in place in case of business disruptions.

Thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal and I look forward to the opportunity of working with you soon. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Yours Sincerely,

Brad Law
Co-Founder & Global Head of Consulting

A summary of this proposal.

program objectives

Developing your resilience

By facilitating this program of work, Fixinc aims to improve both the effectiveness of Stride Property Limited corporate resilience, as well as the confidence of key stakeholders that your new program meets relevant best-practice standards.
Validation of a fit-for-purpose program, based on a clear understanding of recovery priorities and dependencies, and supported by strong engagement, training and testing will help to meet stakeholder expectations and deliver a high level of confidence in Stride Property Limited resilience capabilities.
The following is an overview of our recommended approach.


Project Engagement

This is an opportunity to introduce the Fixinc team who will be running the project to Stride Property project sponsors. The meeting will confirm the scope and key emergency management priorities.

Fixinc will facilitate an engagement meeting with key representatives from Stride Property to verify the review scope and key emergency management  priorities.

The process of engagement will define project goals, essential performance metrics, communication procedures, and appropriate project results that are in harmony with the organisation's mission and culture. 

Additionally, this process will uncover critical stakeholder needs, strategies for managing change, and contribute to the development of program engagement.


Emergency Management Review

When evaluating and reviewing Stride Property existing program, Fixinc will identify strengths that can be further capitalised on to build greater resilience and weaknesses that need to be addressed to ensure a robust capability exists within the organisation.

 Review Establishment

Fixinc will create tailored review objectives which will act as a guide to the development of review criteria with a focus on key business functions and program priorities. Review objectives may be based around:

  • Compliance with specific guidelines or standards.
  • Adequacy and scope of existing preparations.
  • Structure, integration and usability of existing measures.
  • Current capabilities and preparedness.
  • Alignment with overall strategic objectives.

Documentation Review

Fixinc will evaluate crucial aspects of Stride Property's program by examining existing documentation and records for all pertinent business units, employing the predefined criteria. The review documentation may encompass:

  • Policy and framework documentation
  • Emergency Management Response Plans
  • Recovery Plans and BCP documentation
  • BIA and risk assessments
  • Training and testing documentation
  • Other risk management documentation

Interview Facilitation

Fixinc will facilitate 1-hour remote interviews with Stride Property representatives from selected business units. Interviews will predominately assess cultural, awareness, and communication considerations, including past experiences and previous engagement in the program.

The interview process will reinforce consultative buy-in for the emergency management program across Stride Property and assist in identifying functional components working well and what could be improved.

Lockdown / Shelter in Place Process

Fixinc recognise the urgency for Stride Property to review its current procedures for armed intruder. Fixinc will provide immediate feed back and if necessary recommendations for improvement if required for this procedure, prior to any formal report delivery. This will allow Stride Property to implement timely improvements if required to ensure stakeholder confidence.

Review Report

Fixinc will generate a comprehensive report that highlights essential areas for enhancement within Stride Property current resilience program. This evaluation will be conducted based on the pre-established review objectives and performance criteria. The report will also include recommendations to address the identified shortcomings, offering expert guidance for remediation and improvement initiatives.

resilience maturity

Maintenance Program

Take your corporate and personal resilience to the next level by running an annual maintenance program with Fixinc. Build a strong, positive culture of resilience.

On completion of all activities, it is recommended that Stride Property Limited commence an annual maintenance program to meet best practice standards and ensure that Stride Property Limited maintains a continuous program of improvements.
The proposed services have the objective of consistently improving Stride Property Limited capabilities and resilience, while also ensuring that the program adheres to the latest best practice standards. This approach guarantees that you will be suitably prepared in the event of an emergency, meet stakeholder expectations, and safeguard your initial investment in establishing a business continuity program. The following activities are recommended:

Start time
End time
Initial Activities
  • Annual engagement meeting with key stakeholders.
  • Provision of annual maintenance schedule .
  • Development of annual exercise strategy.
January to March, 2025
March 2028
Mid Year Health Check
  • Annual BIA review interviews to update BIA and Threat Landscape.
  • Full review and update of all business continuity related documentation.
  • Distribution of revised plans (soft copy).
April to June, 2025
June 2028
Annual Activities
  • 1 x 45-minute business continuity awareness session.
  • 1 x 3-hour annual Crisis Leadership training session.
  • 1 x 3-hour annual Crisis Scenario Exercise.
  • Provision of post-exercise reports.
  • Provision of revised soft copy BCP documentation.
  • Management and maintenance of business continuity related training records.
  • Provide executive/board presentations as required.
  • Provision of Annual Assurance Statement.
July to September, 2025
September 2028
on-call coverage

Advisory Board

Four of the very best supporting you through the tactical, operational, and strategic response to an event, anywhere in the world, at any moment.

how it works

Four senior resiliency professionals available any time, guiding you through any disruption, anywhere in the world at the click of a button.

The Advisory Board will support and cover Stride Property Limited's tactical, operational, and strategic response to any incident, 24/7, anywhere in the world. Our four advisors focus on these three core activities and the response to an incident that's unique to you by utilising existing plans and our in-house F24 app. The Advisory Board's #1 aim is to get you back to business-as-usual as efficiently and effectively as possible.

01 hour
max response time from Fixinc.
04 advisors
on call at any given time.

An intelligent portal.

Built in-house in partnership with FACT24, you will gain access to the most innovative and intelligent incident response and management portal available.
Detailing date and time of premium coverage
Details of the disciplines and support we offer you
Status of your post incident reviews and / or annual review
Activation SLAs, Management of event, Technology solutions
Signature and date verification by Fixinc with contact details

Relevant Standards.

All Fixinc services strictly adhere to best practice benchmarks and standards. These will be agreed during the stakeholder engagement process and may include:

ISO 22301:2019

Societal security – Business Continuity Management Systems - Requirements.

Business Continuity

'Good Practice Guidelines 2018'

BS11200:2014, Crisis Management

Guidance and Good Practice.

ISO 31000
Risk Management

Principles and guidelines.

AS: 3745

Planning for Emergencies in Facilities.

Industry specific legislation

standards, and codes of practice.

Timeframes & Resources

Fixinc will provide a detailed development schedule prior to commencement of work, outlining key project milestones and completion dates. Indicative timeframes and Stride Property Limited commitments are below:

Stage 1

Project Engagement

This is an opportunity to introduce the Fixinc team who will be running the project to Stride Property project sponsors. The meeting will confirm the scope and key emergency management priorities.

Engagement and relationship building between both parties and key stakeholders.

1 hour

Proposed start date: w/c May 21, 2024.

Stage 2

Emergency Management Review

When evaluating and reviewing Stride Property existing program, Fixinc will identify strengths that can be further capitalised on to build greater resilience and weaknesses that need to be addressed to ensure a robust capability exists within the organisation.

Attend review meetings 

Review and approve Emergency Management review outcomes

Attend review findings and recommendations de-brief

2 Hours

Proposed start date: w/c May 20, 2024.

about us

Program Team.

The Stride Property Limited program will be co-run by a Fixinc Principal Consultant or Director and supported by our highly-experienced Business Continuity and Crisis Management professionals of which have extensive experience in program development and implementation.
Unlike how other consultancies charge clients, the people listed below are the people who will work on your program and constitutes part of the investment for Stride Property Limited.

Brad Law of Fixinc
Brad Law
Co-Founder & Global Head of Consulting
Brad will act as your main program contact and consultant from start to finish. Whilst other consultants with other backgrounds will join the program from time to time, it's Brad who oversees the progress and direction as well as making the final decision on what is shared with you. His focus is on ensuring you are comfortable with everything we're sending you as well as the outcome of your Fixinc program.

Brad is the Global Head of Consulting within the Fixinc Consulting practice and also oversees our entire Advisory Board. He has over 25 years of Business Continuity and IT commercial experience, working across Asia, UK, Europe, New Zealand and Australia. Brad is responsible for the management and implementation of numerous business continuity and crisis management projects across a variety of industries, including not-for-profit, telecommunications, technology, government, financial services, education, infrastructure and utilities.

He is highly experienced in all aspects of the business continuity lifecycle and designed the unique 'Tungsten Diamond' diagram for Fixinc. His experience stretches through policy development, business impact assessments, strategy development, business continuity plan development and implementation and facilitation of business continuity training and scenario exercises. Brad brings strong business strategy, workshop facilitation, project management and analytical problem-solving skills with a visible passion for assisting organisation build their resilience capabilities.

​Prior to working for Fixinc, Brad served 15-years with the British Army as a tank commander, seeing 2 tours of activity duty where he was awarded with the Northern Ireland Clasp for Operation Banner and NATO Medal for Yugoslavia during the Bosnia conflict. During this time he was a communications and cold weather survival instructor and has had extensive incident response experience fighting terrorism and supporting organisations such as Médecins Sans Frontières and UNHCR.

Brad’s business continuity and incident management qualifications were put to the test during the 2011 Christchurch earthquakes, whilst working for the Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology (Now recognised as Ara). He initiated and ran two incident management cells for the February 2011 and June 2011 earthquakes, ensuring services could be established in temporary sites within a week of the disaster.​

Brad holds the Business Continuity Institute (BCI) CBCI training qualification and has trained many students in the certification course on behalf of the BCI. He also held the award of Business Continuity Consultant of the year for Australasia in 2015.

Read full bio
Ollie Law of Fixinc
Ollie Law
Co-Founder & Managing Director
Ollie will be helping with the administration and analysis of your project, ensuring that the correct information is gathered and reviews of your documents are in order and documented correctly. As an operational assistant, Ollie also runs the quality assurance of our overall programs. He will also act as a key contact at the beginning and end of the programs.

Ollie brings over a decade of industry experience in digital marketing and product development, with specific expertise in no-code solutions and application automations. His experience has enabled him to design and develop digital marketing campaigns that drive commercial market opportunities on mass-scale, and identify emerging applications to support internal organisational and end-user experiences. Career highlights include positions with Centrica (British Gas), Jaguar Land Rover, and Accounting Web, where he built competitive and disruptive marketing campaigns supporting Xero in their introduction to the UK market.

Ollie is a multi-business owner and entrepreneur, with a passion and focuses on converting 'old-school' methods into modernised, competitive solutions. Ollie brings valuable experience working across a number of private and government entities within the UK and Europe, Asian, and Australia and New Zealand.

He is the majority shareholder, founder and Managing Director of Fixinc Solutions (Fixinc Directory), Co-Founder and Managing Director of Fixinc Consulting Partners (Fixinc Advisory Board), and co-Director of the Fixinc Group.

Read full bio
Martin Petts of F24
Martin Petts (Old)
Head of Technology
Martin will be the Technical Lead for the FACT24 and technology implementation. He will work with the project sponsors and IT department to ensure a seamless implementation and configuration of your requirements. Martin will also provide end-user training to ensure all users of FACT24 can log on and use the system.

Martin Petts, F24, Head of Sales, Asia Pacific 

In 2016 Martin joined the F24 team in the UK, working with clients to manage and communicate in a crisis using F24’s software suite. Transferring to New Zealand in 2019, Martin is responsible for the F24 business in the Asia Pacific regions, driving forward client’s success with F24’s products for business continuity, GRC, crisis management and critical communications. 

F24 is a resilience software company headquartered in Germany with over 23 years’ experience and a global reach.

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Hannah Perry of Fixinc
Hannah Perry (Old)
Operations Assistant
Hannah supports our team with operational activities and administration. She will be helping with the paperwork, planning, and materials we use to run your programs. Hannah has a keen eye for detail and loves to research realistic scenario exercises for our clients.

Hannah is an accomplished professional with over 15 years of experience dedicated to delivering exceptional client and customer service. Her journey in the realm of customer management and services began with five years in various secretary roles, spanning sales and insurance, underwriting assistance, and broker support throughout London, UK.

Hannah's expertise further expanded during her two-year tenure as a Customer Service Manager at a prominent car rental company based in Queenstown, New Zealand. In this role, she honed her skills in managing customer relationships and ensuring operational excellence.

Continuing her trajectory of success, Hannah most recently served as a Customer Account Manager at St John, showcasing her proficiency in account management and a commitment to exceeding customer expectations.

Throughout her career, Hannah has held diverse job titles, including Sales Secretary, Broker Support, Underwriter Assistant, Account Assistant, Customer Service Team Leader/Manager, Customer Service Coordinator, and Event Consultant. This extensive and varied background has equipped her with a comprehensive skill set and a wealth of experience in navigating the intricacies of client relations and operational support.

With a proven track record and a commitment to excellence, Hannah stands as a valuable Operations Assistant at Fixinc, bringing a wealth of expertise and a customer-centric approach to her role.

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Alisha Kidd of
Alisha Kidd (Old)
Risk and Resilience Leader
Alisha is a Fixinc Advisor and Resilience Consultant with an eye for Crisis Management specifically. However, her vast experience will have her working across the majority of your program as one of the main consultants.

Alisha is an experienced senior resilience professional and chartered accountant experience stretching around the globe. Her whole career has had focus on managing risk maturity uplift and business continuity programmes, property and enterprise risk management, civil defence emergency management, cyber response and internal insurance programmes.

Alisha has led crisis response in-house for over 25-years across the Telecommunications, Food Manufacturing, and Insurance sectors. She has managed the full range of crises types and disciplines from natural disasters, global product recalls, pandemics, prolonged IT, national infrastructure outages, to serious health and safety incidents.

Her deep understanding of the stringent regulatory requirements of the financial service sector in relation to resilience and third party suppliers, including remediation programmes bring a unique offering to our financial service clients as well as larger enterprises who face high financial risks.

Read full bio
our founders

A father and son, on a mission.

Fixinc was founded by Brad and Ollie Law in 2017. The pair experienced first-hand the results of practitioners failing their clients when they were needed most. They developed the Consulting Practice, Advisory Board, and Directory to help organisation have premium support at any moment. With a combined three decades in the industry, the father and son duo bring a powerful balance of technology expertise and senior executive level consulting to a fresh and impactful service.
12 yrs
in the industry together
Businesses serviced together
Ollie Law and Brad Law Fixinc Directors
our values

A simple approach to resiliency.

Learn more about us here

We are playing the infinite game. No one supplier can be the best, but organisations should have access to the best solutions. Our passion for the industry and careful management of deep relationships with fellow practitioners and industry bodies places us as a premium supplier. Our programs speak for themselves, set upon three simple approaches:


Build meaningful connections.


Integrety and honesty.

Corporate sustainability

Don't just advertise it, do it.

Fixinc Loyalty Program

Your loyalty and commitment to us should be rewarded. That's why every program or activity you do with Fixinc earns you points that goes towards money off your next invoice, or complimentary work like an exercise.

Money off

Every dollar you spend at Fixinc will transfer into points that also have a monetary value to them (reducing costs on future quotes).

Extra services

Use your accumulated points for unique activities like a virtual training & exercise, or a plan / program review.
Onboarding with Fixinc
At Fixinc, we value efficiency. Following our initial meeting, expect a comprehensive proposal in as little as 30-minutes, with a follow-up discussion scheduled for the following week. Our flexible process accommodates any necessary adjustments, ensuring a customised program is ready for signing in just three weeks. For those eager to start sooner, we can expedite the process, typically initiating Stage 1, Engagement in only four weeks from your first contact.
Discovery Call

45 to 60 minutes

45-minutes with your stakeholders or relevant program contacts is all we need. We will share how implementation works with us, provide an idea on how we'd run your program (or overcome your problems), then provide a valuable Q&A for both parties.


30 minutes

We do our preparation ahead of the call and can gather a lot of understanding of the sort of program scope you will need just from your initial note to us. Our clever internal tool helps us put a comprehensive proposal together to you in less than 30-minutes. Happy to go ahead? Use our digital signature tool to lock it in.

You are here

Within 1-week. 30-min call.

During our discovery call, we'll book our next meeting with you a week from now. This will give you time to review the scope and compile questions with us.

New Version

1 hour

If there are any changes, we can make these immediately after the call and reissue you a new version of your proposal (archiving the original).

Engagement Meeting Booked

1 week

After signing digitally via the online proposal, we'll have your engagement meeting booked in with a senior consultant or program manager within a week.

First steps
During the engagement phase, you have the chance to get acquainted with your project team here at Fixinc, and validate the essential milestones linked to your project, leading to potential key outcomes such as:
Confirmation of project scope.
Development of implementation plan.
Assigning roles and responsibilities.
We will also begin onboarding you, like uploading important documents onto our secure server, adding you to your unique client portal, and arranging financials.

“Our resilience consultants are available to shoulder the burdens of your project, ensuring timely and cost-effective delivery. Here, you'll have a chance to meet them and build meaningful relationships."

Brad, Global Head of Consulting and co-Founder

Let's start
Program Implementation
Our Program Implementation process is a collaborative journey. We work closely with your stakeholders to assess and study your organisation's existing plans and programs, fostering strong internal relationships. We ensure every project member is crystal clear on their responsibilities and the program's expected outcomes, delivering a roadmap for success.
Review current documents.
Analysing organisational products and services.
Review the current threat environment.

Developing a comprehensive business resilience plan across your organisation requires a fundamental understanding of your organisation's products and services, and the critical business functions that support them. This knowledge is crucial to ensure a holistic approach to business resilience and is a process Fixinc take extremely seriously.


Make sure your clear on everything we're offering.

Integrity and strong communication are part of our values, if anything is missed below, contact us.
When will the program start?
We can typically start a program within a week or two, however, we're ready to start as soon as you are able to get the team together for the engagement meeting.
How long does a program take?
This is dependant on how many modules you require, but on average our programs are 43% quicker than the current industry standards. We see medium size programs wrap up within two months.
Can I pause a live program?
This rarely occurs, but if it is a requirement, we recommend a limited suspension to maintain commitment and momentum of the work and your people’s investment. If you suspect a pause in program delivery is imminent, please let us know as soon as possible.
Do you have an office in our region?
We are currently based in Australia and New Zealand with a Kuala Lumpur office opening in late 2024. However, we have successfully serviced and completed programs around the world. We do this either virtually or travel to your location if it’s necessary. Clients are only charged for domestic travel if within our three core locations.
How many resources will I need for this program?
At Fixinc, our aim is to do the heavy lifting for you. This will limit your internal resource requirements to only the necessary people. After the engagement meeting, we will confirm the individuals we believe are required, and how often.
Can we add additional work once started?
Yes, however this is dependent on the program type you’ve started with us. If it’s a separate discipline, we would need to ensure this doesn’t disrupt the current program’s momentum. In either case, we would create a new scope and proposal for you to review, and then add this into your schedule with us.
Do we have to do face-to-face delivery?
No, in most cases, we can do all delivery remotely. In fact, during the covid lockdown period, we honed the processes and standardisation of how we deliver virtually so that the transitions are seamless.
Can you deliver our program next week?
We will make every possible attempt to meet a deadline, however we often see the biggest hurdle being your ability to muster your internal resources and sign off on programs within your timescale. We will work with you and provide some techniques on how to better place an urgent program.
about us

Client References.

Fixinc has compiled the most relevant referals we have permission to share with Stride Property Limited. If you are unable to contact them, please let us know.
We aim to find a balance between similar programs and similar industries. However, this is subject to which of our clients are happy to be contacted.

Brigid Williams
Business Continuity Manager
+64 211 348 534
Business Continuity Program

The scope of the program was to deliver a Business Continuity Program to AIA head office in Auckland.

This program was delivered on site.

Phase 1:

  • Facilitate Business Impact Analysis (BIA) meetings and deliver BIA report.
  • Develop Master Business Continuity Plans for each AIA Head Office.

Phase 2:

  • Deliver Business Continuity training for Business Continuity


  • Deliver Business Continuity scenario exercises for the

Business Continuity Team.

Phase 3:

  • Delivery Incident Management training.
David Redden
Security Operations Manager, Security and Emergency Management
+61 438 009 893
Business Continuity Program

The scope of the program was to deliver a Business Continuity Program review across 13 Faculties and Business Units at the Sydney Campus. 

The program was delivered on site and

via remote meetings.

Phase 1:

  • Facilitate Business Impact Analysis (BIA) meetings and

deliver BIA report.

  • Update Business Continuity Plans for each Faculty and Business Unit.

Phase 2:

  • Deliver Business Continuity

training for BC Teams.

  • Deliver Business Continuity

scenario exercises.

Steve Vandenberg
Senior Vice President - Digital Technology
+61 429 261 375
Business Continuity Program

The scope of the program was to deliver a Business Continuity Program to OceanaGold mining sites across, New Zealand, Philippines and North American.

The program was delivered on site and via remote meetings.

Phase 1:

  • Develop Business Continuity Policy and Framework.
  • Facilitate Business Impact Analysis (BIA) meetings.
  • Develop site business continuity plans for mine sites. 

Phase 2:

  • Deliver Business Continuity training for BC Teams.
  • Deliver Business Continuity scenario exercises.
Kris Stead
Global Training & Compliance Manager
+64 21 240 8801
Crisis Management Training and Exercise

The scope of the program was to deliver a Crisis Management training and exercise to satisfy EDL requirements.

The program was delivered on site.

Phase 1:

  • Develop Crisis Management Training
  • Develop Crisis Management cyber exercise

Phase 2:

  • Deliver Crisis Management  training for CM Teams.
  • Deliver Crisis Management  scenario exercises.
Fiona Davis
Chief Operating Officer
+64 21 240 8801
Crisis Management Training and Exercise

The scope of the program was to deliver a Crisis Management training and exercise to satisfy FMA requirements.

The program was delivered on site.

Phase 1:

  • Develop Crisis Management Training
  • Develop Crisis Management cyber exercise

Phase 2:

  • Deliver Crisis Management  training for CM Teams.
  • Deliver Crisis Management  scenario exercises.
Contact us

Speaking to our team.

No matter your program scale or duration, our team prioritise clients on a program with Fixinc. When you join us, we'll ensure you always have a direct line of communication.


Email me directly via the address below.


For anything invoice related.


Mon-Fri from 9am to 5:30pm.
(+64) 027 365 5824(+64) 0800 349 462

Your Investment with Fixinc.

Fixinc is able to provide competitive pricing that is up to 30% lower than the industry average. We are able to do this through low overheads, utilising our contract based Advisory consultants, and the use of automated technology (like this proposal).


All prices listed are in NZD and show any applicable taxes or fees below.

Valid until
Project Engagement
June 30, 2024
  • 1-hour engagement meeting with project sponsors.
  • Provision of soft copy project schedule.
implementation commitment
Emergency Management Review
June 30, 2024
  • Provision of softcopy review report
  • 1- hour review report debrief session
implementation commitment
Total investment
with tax
with tax
with tax